by JosephLent is a time in the year of the Church during which we reflect on the mystery of our salvation. One of the primary steps in our journey of faith is repentance. The word repentance is not a very popular one and is one that in some ways we can regard as being unrelated to our Gospel of salvation by faith. When we hear the word repentance many of us might think about the confessional boxes in Roman Churches or a group of pilgrims starving themselves and feeling sorry for all the things that they got wrong in life. However, if we look behind the word in the scriptures for 'repent' we see a very different understanding beginning to form. The Greek word often used for repent is 'metanoia'. Metanoia isn’t a simple word and isn’t a word that means something as basic as our word 'repent' does. Metanoia speaks of the entire transformation of the person, of their mind, heart, life, and outlook. To repent (in the sense of metanoia) is to be completely changed and renewed. When we repent, we bring before God all those areas of our life that need work. The areas that we regret and feel sorrow for. The areas that we don’t know what to do with and it is he who makes a difference.
There is a time to sorrow for past sins and to regret mistakes made. Lent is such a season; However, lent is also an opportunity to recognise again the gift of the gospel and to seek to enter a new season where we can rejoice in the salvation offered by Jesus. If you would like someone to hear your confession this lent and to proclaim words of forgiveness and absolution over your past please let Pastor Mark, Pastor Libby, Pastor Krystyna, or Bishop Walter Know.
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AuthorsPastor Mark- Pastor of the LCiGB Archives
January 2023
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